12 year prayer saint bridget

What is 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget?

The 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget is a devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ. It is a series of prayers that are said daily for 12 years, with the intention of gaining salvation and eternal life. The prayer is said to have been revealed to Saint Bridget of Sweden in the 14th century, during a vision of Christ on the cross.
The prayer consists of 15 prayers, which are to be said each day for 12 years. The prayers focus on the wounds of Christ, and on the sorrows that he endured during his Passion. The prayer is said to be particularly powerful, and is believed to bring many blessings to those who practice it.

How to Pray the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget

To pray the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget, you will need to recite the following prayers every day for 12 years:
1. Make the Sign of the Cross 2. Pray the Apostle's Creed 3. Pray the Our Father 4. Pray the Hail Mary 5. Pray the Glory Be 6. Pray the Fatima Prayer 7. Pray the Hail Holy Queen 8. Pray the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9. Pray the Litany of Saint Joseph 10. Pray the Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus 11. Pray the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 12. Pray the Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus 13. Pray the Litany of Saint Michael the Archangel 14. Pray the Prayer to Saint Joseph 15. Pray the Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of praying the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget?

The 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget is believed to bring many blessings to those who practice it. It is said to be a powerful prayer that can help to bring salvation and eternal life. Praying the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget can also help to deepen one's relationship with God, and to grow in faith and holiness.

How long does it take to complete the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget?

The 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget takes 12 years to complete. However, it is important to note that the prayer does not need to be said at the same time every day. As long as all 15 prayers are said each day, the prayer will be considered complete.

Can anyone pray the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget?

Yes, anyone can pray the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget. It is a powerful prayer that is open to all, regardless of age, gender, or religious affiliation.


The 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget is a powerful devotion to the Passion of Jesus Christ. It is a prayer that can bring many blessings to those who practice it, and can help to deepen one's relationship with God. By committing to pray the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget, we are reminded of the sacrifices that Christ made for us, and are inspired to live our lives in a way that honors his love and mercy.